
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Jesus is the Subject- Thankfulness
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
This week Pastor Shane takes an in depth look at WHO we are in Christ in order to gain a firm foundation of thankfulness in our lives in order to live out our mission as believers.

Saturday Nov 24, 2018

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Stewardship- Week 2
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Stewardship is utilizing and managing all the resources GOD provides for the glory of GOD and the betterment of HIS creation. One question, how are you using the resources, gifts and talents that GOD has blessed you with? We are to live out our lives in such a way that glorifies GOD. We only have a short time here on this earth to represent CHRIST. Let us be good stewards of what HE has given us, let us represent CHRIST well.
Kelley Crossing Church of God
1600 E Kelley Rd, Frankfort, IN 46041

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Stewardship- Week 1
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Stewardship is utilizing and managing all the resources GOD provides for the glory of GOD and the betterment of HIS creation. One question, how are you using the resources, gifts and talents that GOD has blessed you with? We are to live out our lives in such a way that glorifies GOD. We only have a short time here on this earth to represent CHRIST. Let us be good stewards of what HE has given us, let us represent CHRIST well.
Kelley Crossing Church of God
1600 E Kelley Rd, Frankfort, IN 46041

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
The War Within- Victory in Jesus
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
There is a war going on. This war is the greatest war you have ever seen. This war death total is beyond a billion in counting. This war is greater than Vietnam, World War I and World War II combined. A lot of blood was shed in those wars, but those wars didn’t give us true freedom. They sacrificed themselves for us, but their blood wasn’t enough to stop this war. The greatest war that we face is within the four corners of our minds. It’s the “war within us.” However, there is one man who blood was enough to win this war and he has set us free. HIS name is JESUS…….
Kelley Crossing Church of God
1600 E Kelley Rd, Frankfort, IN 46041

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
The War Within- Armed in Dangerous
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
There is a war going on. This war is the greatest war you have ever seen. This war death total is beyond a billion in counting. This war is greater than Vietnam, World War I and World War II combined. A lot of blood was shed in those wars, but those wars didn’t give us true freedom. They sacrificed themselves for us, but their blood wasn’t enough to stop this war. The greatest war that we face is within the four corners of our minds. It’s the “war within us.” However, there is one man who blood was enough to win this war and he has set us free. HIS name is JESUS…….
Kelley Crossing Church of God
1600 E Kelley Rd, Frankfort, IN 46041

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
The War Within- Training
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
There is a war going on. This war is the greatest war you have ever seen. This war death total is beyond a billion in counting. This war is greater than Vietnam, World War I and World War II combined. A lot of blood was shed in those wars, but those wars didn’t give us true freedom. They sacrificed themselves for us, but their blood wasn’t enough to stop this war. The greatest war that we face is within the four corners of our minds. It’s the “war within us.” However, there is one man who blood was enough to win this war and he has set us free. HIS name is JESUS…….
Kelley Crossing Church of God
1600 E Kelley Rd, Frankfort, IN 46041

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
The War Within- Freedom
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
There is a war going on. This war is the greatest war you have ever seen. This war death total is beyond a billion in counting. This war is greater than Vietnam, World War I and World War II combined. A lot of blood was shed in those wars, but those wars didn’t give us true freedom. They sacrificed themselves for us, but their blood wasn’t enough to stop this war. The greatest war that we face is within the four corners of our minds. It’s the “war within us.” However, there is one man who blood was enough to win this war and he has set us free. HIS name is JESUS…….
Kelley Crossing Church of God
1600 E Kelley Rd, Frankfort, IN 46041

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told- In Pursuit
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Kelley Crossing Church of God
1600 E Kelley Rd, Frankfort, IN 46041

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
The Bible can be summed up in one word, "love". JESUS loves us so much that he died on the cross in place of our sins and has made us to be righteous in the sight of GOD for those who believe. GOD desires to have a relationship with HIS people built on the foundation of trust and belief in JESUS. The greatest love story ever told is what GOD did by sending JESUS to die for us and til this day, HE never stopped loving us. It's not about religion, it's about a relationship.
Kelley Crossing Church of God
1600 E Kelley Rd, Frankfort, IN 46041